In order to meet the needs of our customers who, apart from the product itself, are also interested in comprehensive technical advice, we have created a Research and Development department together with dependent application and maintenance sections. The close co-operation of these units, which takes place as early as at the new technology development stage, results in the emergence of new products to meet customer expectations.
Working in the R&D department means striving to provide continuous improvement of existing products as well as designing new technologies and responding to the diverse requirements of our consumers.
Our laboratory:
- is equipped with the highest quality appliances and devices for designing and testing the finished products;
- employs highly qualified specialist professional chemists;
- works with numerous scientific institutions in Poland;
- maintains and develops its projects in partnership with customers, providing them not only with high quality products but also services and technical advice.
Our knowledge and experience is at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.